There’s a hurdle that you must overcome to be successful in business

Are you in pursuit of success or do you have any goals you are trying to reach this year? Maybe you want to manage your time better? Maybe you have a goal of starting an online business or side hustle. Whatever your goals are there is one hurdle that just about every one of us faces when it comes to reaching our goals. What’s that hurdle?

In this episode, we talk about the biggest hurdle you will possibly face in business. Especially for those trying to start a business. This obstacle has nothing to do with technology or social media marketing but it’s crucial to your success!

What is your greatest obstacle that you will face in business? Is it that you lack…

  • Business skills
  • You don’t feel you’re a great leader
  • You have no clue how to run a business
  • Accounting
  • Lack of technical skills
  • Clueless to social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Don’t know how to build a website
  • Lack of communication skills
  • You’re not a sells person
  • You don’t know how to convey what your business does

None of the skills above is your biggest hurdle

You do need the skills above to run a business but many of those skills you can learn, or take a course for. You could also pay someone to do those for you or pay someone to assist you with them. But they are not your biggest hurdle.

So what then is your biggest hurdle? “Y-O-U”

The biggest hurdle that you will face in business is you. Yes, you are the biggest hurdle that you will face and if you don’t have a focused mindset you won’t accomplish anything.

If you try and exercise without a focused mind you will probably be unfocused. Being unfocused will cause you to not feel like working out and your workout won’t be very effective. The mind is where passion flow. So basically it comes down to you and your mindset.

What can affect my mindset?

  • Procrastination
  • Keep putting goals off
  • Don’t put in the necessary time
  • Involved in time-wasting activities (TV, Social Media)
  • Have negative thoughts
  • Too critical of ourselves
  • Doubt our abilities
  • Listen to negative people
  • Compare ourselves to others
  • Fear: afraid to take the next step
  • Fear paralyzes us
  • Makes us afraid to take the next step which leads to more procrastination


“Old habits die hard” – It’s hard to quit old habits so in order to get out of the same old routine you have to change your mindset and your routine.

Change your routine

  • You can’t expect different results doing the same things
  • Mindset (Get control of your mind)
  • Educate your mind
  • Remove time-wasting activities
  • Get up early
  • No sleeping in late
  • No laying around
  • Read books, magazines,
  • Follow successful people
  • Listen to podcast
  • Watch videos
  • Go to seminars
  • Connect with people in your niche (social media)

Check out Steve Harvey’s advice regarding rich people and how much sleep they get. “Rich people don’t sleep 8hrs a day” – Steve Harvey

Stay away from Negative people

Getaway from negative and toxic people (family, friends, and foes). Negative and toxic people will zap all the positive energy from your success and drive.

Advice for dealing with negative people: Be Silent

  • You can’t tell everyone your ideas
  • Be silent about your ideas – Some will try and steal your idea
  • Some won’t support your idea

The Good News 😊

Negative people don’t control your destiny and you must keep in mind that you are in full control of your destiny.

Find good people to connect with. Good = positive

Here are some people to connect with.

Business owners Near you – See if they can help answer any business-related questions for you.
Business owners Far away – Send them an email or a message on one of their social media pages.
Find some successful business people online to follow. These people give out positive advice and free information.

Small Business Administration ( – is a great resource for those in business or those trying to start one. They have a wealth of invaluable information on their site.

  • Find a mentor
  • If you can’t afford a personal mentor – Follow successful people
  • LinkedIn, Instagram (they give out free advice)
  • Sign up for Business groups online (LinkedIn, Facebook)
  • Subscribe to magazines (Entrepreneur & Inc Magazine)
  • is another great resource to get a mentor and business help for free.
    • Tons of information online regarding business
    • They can connect you with a mentor for free. This is a gem!!!

FINAL notes

What you must keep in mind

  • You control your own destiny!
  • We all have plenty of talents
  • You will feel Uncomfortable – You have to Get out of your comfort zone!
  • You are just as smart and talented as anyone else
  • If you don’t do it someone else will

One of the best quotes for self improvement

This is one of the best quotes or statements I’ve heard regarding self-improvement. It’s factual and proof of how we can allow our own selves to stop our progress. This statement is actually the title of Tony Gaskins BookThe Dream Chaser If You Don’t Build Your Dream, Someone Will Hire You to Help Build Theirs (2016)

Mr. Gaskins’s book shows us that even if we don’t pursue success we’ll be helping someone else pursue theirs. So it all comes down to you. We all get nervous and experience fear when approaching new things. Are you going to keep making excuses and allow yourself to keep getting in the way? Or are you finally going to go after your dreams? If I were you I would choose the latter. GO FOR IT!!!