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Let’s talk about it! Sound advice, helpful tools and applications to use, tips and more. Hear from industry experts and professionals. Their stories, failures and what helped them find success!

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Check out our Podcast!!!

Let’s talk about it! Sound advice, helpful tools and applications to use, tips and more. Hear from industry experts and professionals. Their stories, failures and what helped them find success!

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Our mission: We help entrepreneurs improve their online presence and personal development skills.

Photo credit: Gerd Altmann

What skills do I need to start a business?

Learning business and technical skills can be the easy part. Sometimes getting started is the hard part. Here are some development skills you need:

  • Self-confidence
  • Overcome fear
  • Integrity
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Integrity

How we help

We provide you with the information and know-how through posts, videos(coming soon), and our podcast.

Need A Side Hustle?

For those who want to get started in business, have you thought about starting a Side Hustle? There are plenty of ideas and opportunities for you to create your own side hustle. Here are a few online ideas…

  • e-Commerce Site
  • Blogger
  • Publish a Book
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Create online courses
  • Graphic designer


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